Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Going to spend the night with Al's ol Buddy, Jeffrey, and his significant other, Marti, back in Portland where I was born and raised... Beautiful city ~~
If you haven't been there it is a must see very cosmopolitan, and down to earth people.
I need to figure out how to get rid of tags as I can't 'highlite' or change colors... Geesh, I wish I knew which button to push to get this back like it should be.
Oh, well!

We will probably stop at Goose Hollow Inn when we are in Portland tomorrow. Great ol' haunt of Al's.

We had a fire in Ryderwood yesterday and I have posted some pictures. The house was lost and the pictures will tell the story. I think this picture tells a lot because the fire fighters were wonderful...and I love the American Flag in the picture. That alone tell's it like it is....we are all Americans and just want to help our "neighbors".

I know this looks scary but all is well...the fire was eventually extinguished thanks to our wonderful Ryderwood Fire Dept and the help of all the Cowlitz Fire Dept, Toledo Fire Dept, and Lewis County Fire Dept.
This is the first fire we have had here in years... and our volunteer "Geezer Fire Department" handled it extremely professional and were very thorough ~
No one was hurt except they did have a number of cats that were 'lost'.

After I went around into the back of the house this is what I saw...

This is the site I saw after I heard the fire alarms go off and the commotion in the street... just a block away from us.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Notice the and flames as they move to the back of house and firemen try to put out the fire.

This is the back of the house and the flames are now moving to the back of the house.

Chickie and Denny arrived bearing gifts ~ one was an adorable box of Pacific Northwest Gourmet Foods... rich and creamy Clam Chowder with an itsy-bitsy bottle of hot sauce: gourmet soup in 15 minutes; just add milk. Distributed by Pacific Northwest Gourmet Foods, P. O. Box 248, Sandy, Oregon 97055, telephone 503-668-8915. They said their diet has consisted of Clam Chowder for the last few weeks, they just wanted to share!!!

Chickie is checking out our kitchen while on the "House Tour" which usually is the first thing our friends ask to do when they visit the first time.

Our house was built in 1923 and is always interesting to check it out because it is so cute.

Chickie and Denny pulled up in front of our home in their traveling 40 foot mansion. Yikes that is one big rig. They have been full-time RV'ers for 11 years and was so fantastic to see them again. If you look at our old posts from the beach era they were at our Kite-a-Rang and on our front porch when the Boomer picture was taken back in 2002 - 2003 (Can't remember the exact date).

Allan fixing Cally's frisbee.. She loves to play frisbee which is common for Border Collie's.

Cally is ready for Howard to throw that frisbee!

Also, check out our neighbor's new fence across the street. When it is complete there will be some type of cap on each section. It is gorgeous but we will miss looking at his beautiful yard.

Denny and Chickie relaxing in our front yard before dinner.

Al wearing his Cally shirt!!

Here is my favorite "Chef BOY-R-DEE"! All he really needs is his chef's hat and an apron...

Isn't he adorable?

Denny is 'overseeing Al's Chef knowledge' in cooking those burgers!

Howard is waitin' for those Hamburgers!

Yup the guys are outside and ......................................................

Keep scrolling down

Keep scrolling down!

Keep scrolling down!

Keep scrolling down!

Gosh, you gotta keep scrolling down a bit more

Okay just a little bit more

Well, in order to see the rest of this astonishing Blog you gotta keep scrolling down!

Just a teeney little bit more.

OK, so I miss measured....just keep scrolling a bit more

Well, really just a bit more!

Keep going ~ you are almost there.

OK, it really is coming up soon.

I checked and it is just right down the page... just a few more scrolls.
Keep scrolling....

I could start telling a joke and have the punch line at the end of this when my blog continues, right?

I have been thinking about the appropriate joke but can't come up with a great just keep scrolling.,

If you are getting bored, you really won't be once you come upon my blog again...keep scrolling.

Soon to be there. Keep it up.

Trust me ~ you are almost there. Now you will always trust me from now on..
Keep scrolling...OK YOU'RE HERE!

Remember, we left it that the guys are outside relaxing......................

And the girls are in the kitchen......

Who says the cook's don't have any fun?

Keep Scrolling down...

Keep scrolling down!

Keep scrolling down!

Almost there...

Don't give up!

Just a bit more!

One or two more!!

Really close! WHEW you made it.
(this is what happens when one unknowledgeable computer operator tries to post pix !!

Something, obviously, was WAY funny! I adore Marilyn...she is a dear sweet friend!

Our happy hamburger eaters. Typical summer evening meal...BBQ hamburgers, corn on the cob, Marilyn's wonderful Red Potato Salad, Chocolate Brownies and Cherry Ice Cream.. YUM!