Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Al and I went to Fong Chong for "Dim Sum'. What a wonderful meal that was.. YUM

This is the Blue Moon tavern....another McMennamin's Microbrew spot not to miss.

We had a fun time at Jake's Famous Crawfish Restaurant. This is definitely a Portland icon and worth a stop to enjoy the Happy Hour and the terrific food.

This was in the bar at Jake's Seafood ... boy does this say it like it is....

This is the entrance to the McMennemins' bar in NW Portland. We entered "at our own risk" and had a nice time but went across the street to Jake's that is an icon in Portland..

"Henry's Tavern" is the tavern which was opened to take the place of Henry Weinhard's Brewery that went 'belly-up'. We went in the tavern and it is really dark and not inviting. Instead, we crossed the street and went to a McMennamins establishment and checked out the basement bar through the downstairs entrance before we went to a Portland establishment ~ Jakes Seafood to have a "Coffee Venetian".

There are many boutiques in NW Portland and we checked them all out. The pictures from inside "Ooh La La" were not appropriate for our blog...........so all you can see is the front door. The other shop was filled with Mexican decor which reminded us of our trips to Mexico..

Great old homes in NW Portland...

Some wonderful old NW Portland homes! This one looks like it was turned into a duplex.
** please check into our Blog as there will be more pictures from the Carson's travels very soon.