Sunday, August 27, 2006

This is my sweet hubby....getting ready for an improptu and casual glass of wine with friends......Isn't he the most handsome ever...? Posted by Picasa

Thanks for the great photo album....We can keep lots of great pictures and fun memories in this....Thanks guys.....and they even put our picture on the front... Posted by Picasa

I always said Jeffrey looks like Errol Flynn!!
What a Guy!! Posted by Picasa

Al's traditional German Pancake Breakfast he cooked for Jeffrey and Marty before they left....
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Al, Marty and Jeffrey as we all remember the 'good ol' days' in Portland.....Old friends remain thru thick and thin.... Posted by Picasa

Jeffrey and Marty on the bridge spanning the creek which feeds into our Lake and enjoying the warm, sunny weather... Posted by Picasa

We all went on a walk around the Lake.....
The cat tails and the peacefulness were
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Al and Marty remembering old times in Portland!!  Posted by Picasa

Ben Hur He think's he remembers someone telling him that there are great tasting leaves on those trees over yonder.....

Guess I will mozey over.....
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This looks pretty tasty.... Posted by Picasa

Ben Hur really worked for this bite of leaf.....
and he says, "see you soon and bring me some of that
great sand to lay in and that wonderful desert food to

Signed ~ Ben Hur
 Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

2nd Annual
Grade School/High School Reunion

These beautiful women and I went all through Grade School and High School together and had our 2nd Annual School Reunion slumber party last weekend....we sure had a lot to talk about and even more to laugh about...YUK-YUK.
What fun we had!!!!

Seems like we have stood together for a picture before but years ago...and I think we are all just as cute, if not cuter!!
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He did pretty good, huh?

What a great fisherman he is and quite a special guy!

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Monday, August 21, 2006

Our friends, Jerre and Stella came over for some wine and cheese and delighted
us with flowers from Stella's
garden. What an awesome
couple they are and we feel
honored to be considered
their friends.

Jerre is the group leader of
the hometown Rock n'Roll band
plays harmonica for the band
on a few rock n'roll songs.
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Grand Bouquet of Flowers from Stella's garden!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Can you believe this? My birthday party in 1958 with some of my Grade School friends....
Very soon, I am hosting my 2nd Annual
Grade School/High School Reunion which is a
really fun Slumber Party with 3 other good
friends from school. What a great group we
were.....and I always wondered if sweet Carol
ever got that noodle consumed? That was a

Will post pictures from the reunion soon.
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Howard you are a great harmonica player
and those Blues were really belted out
during your visit with us.. Thanks!!!
You and Marilyn are one terrific couple
and will see you both 'down the road'
sometime, somewhere....

Sure do appreciate you guys going with us to
meet up with Chuck & Gayle...
Too bad Pepper didn't like 'Spike'....WHEW! Posted by Picasa

This is Marilyn preparing us an awesome Red Snapper meal with all the trimmings.
She really is a great cook and we had a fantastic evening
with Howard and Marilyn...
After dinner Al and Howard did an incredible Blue's
performance....Those guys really know how to
Sing those Blues.....

Thanks again, Marilyn and guys are super. Posted by Picasa

Definitely an interesting Antique Store....loved the 'old' lawnmower. Wonder if someone just
dropped that off with the rest of the 'stuff'? Posted by Picasa

An old chicken coup and barn off I-5 in
Washington State. Posted by Picasa

"OH MY, what are you looking at?"
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Baby Chick awaiting adoption....just loved those feathery legs.... Posted by Picasa

We were so glad to find our old friends, Chuck & Gayle had been looking for a house-sitting
job in this area for the winter and was just like
the 'olden days' when we all saw each other again after 4 years. Our only concern was that they now have 'Spike'. They assured us that he is very well trained as the Guard-Dog training has calmed him down quite a bit. I could not imagine what it was like before that, but Gayle says that she can sleep well at night knowing that 'Spike' is near. So, they are excited to be back in the Pacific Northwest and looking forward to staying at our house.....hopefully our neighbors will feel the same! Hope Spike and Daisy the German Shephard next door get along...
Bless Chuck, Gayle and Spike! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Over the river and through the woods".....our walk around the lake with Al's cousin, Suzie and her hubby, Wes....They are from California and on their way to a beautiful, secluded Canadian Mountain Lodge for some hiking in the Canadian Rockies...
Suzy and her whole family were a huge part of Al's childhood summer vacations every year in California. They sure laughed at some of their childhood memories and the fun they had during those school summer breaks....

You will notice the yellow house in the background is the house below FOR SALE BY OWNER....

(I don't charge advertising fee's) Posted by Picasa