Sunday, September 12, 2010

Al's cousin, Tom McClelland with his "normal" big catch as he was one heck of a fisherman.   Tom and his wife, Judy, are the couple who introduced me and Al and I wanted to share his picture with his fishing talents with my Blog friends. Unfortunately he passed away about a week before his 71st Birthday.  He will be missed by so many wonderful friends as well as his sons, daughter-in-laws and 7 great grandchildren.  He was for years extremely active in his son's Little League games and now his grandchildren's games.  Just one of those guys who just gave and gave and gave.  I can't tell you how he helped me move more than once, helped me with my 28' travel trailer at Lake Merwin Camper's Hideaway....... like "hey, Tom, my electric won't work" or "Hey, Tom, my septic won't open up" and on and on.. He was always there to help me and his wife, Judy, was just a terrific friend also, the kind that can't be found often.  I must say... Rest in Peace my dear friend.


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